DoliMed EMR

Open Source software for caregivers

The Electronic Medical Record web suite for doctors, dentists, nurses, ...

DoliMed is an EMR (Electronic Medical Records software.). It is a specialized version of Dolibarr ERP & CRM software, enhanced with the module Dolimed, to match needs of doctors and medical centers to follow their patients. It's an easy to use solution to manage a caregiver activity (patients, consultations, documents, etc...). 

You can install and use it as a standalone application from the download area. If you prefer, you can install it on a mutualized or dedicated server to use it from anywhere.

This web site is official Portal with news, demo and download area of DoliMed project.

opensource-box      OpenSource software
  • Free to use, to analyze, to modify and to distribute (for any purpose, commercial or not)
  • Released under licence GPL v3+
  • Completely free to download, install and use
  • No license to pay
  • Available on all computers, all OS

  Data are private and secured

  • Multi-users
  • Backoffice permissions by users and/or groups
  • Front-office view per customers/suppliers

dolibarr_actualizaciones       Intuitive and immediatly mastered...

  • Easy to install
  • Easy to use
  • Even with no technical knowledges

         Fast & Optimized

  • Works with all bandwidth (LAN, 3G)
  • Designed to serve pages quickly
  • Optimized for all database size 

Install DoliMed in the Cloud
for a 15 days trial

DoliMed + Dolibarr in 1 click

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Add more features by downloading plugins/addons from...
...the official market place for Dolibarr ERP/CRM...

Latest news...
DoliMed 9.0.2 is available
Written by Eldy   

outilsDoliMed, the specialized version of Dolibarr ERP and CRM for medical workers is available for Dolibarr ERP CRM 9.0 to 15.*.

- To test the module on the online demo:  (user demo / demo)

- To get your own hosted instance (SaaS service), you can create your online Cloud instance in one click from the Dolibarr Cloud service: DoliCloud

- To install the addon/module on existing Dolibarr ERP CRM software, you can get the module on: Dolistore market place

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DoliMed 9.0 is available
Written by Eldy   

outilsDoliMed, the specialized version of Dolibarr ERP and CRM for medical workers is available for Dolibarr ERP CRM 9.0.

- To test the module on the online demo:  (user demo / demo)

- To get your own hosted instance (SaaS service), you can create your online Cloud instance in one click from the Dolibarr Cloud service: DoliCloud

- To install the addon/module on existing Dolibarr ERP CRM software, you can get the module on: Dolistore market place 

Last Updated on date_creation); ?>
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